Decision Dice – Movies


Stop the endless back and forth of “What do you want to watch? I don’t know, what do ‘you’ want to watch?” with Decision Dice.

SKU: dd-0002 Category:


Stop the endless back and forth of “What do you want to watch? I don’t know, what do ‘you’ want to watch?” with Decision Dice.

How to use the Decision Dice:

First, everyone needs to agree to accept the results.

Simple Method: Grab a single die at random from the bag, roll it, watch the type of move genre that comes up on top.

Complex Method: (For experienced movie goers only…) Take both dice out of the bag and roll them and watch the resulting “fusion” of the two movie genres.

Two dice are included with the following 12 Movie Genres:

Action, Romance, Comedy, Thriller, Drama, Western, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Horror, Adult, Mystery & Historical



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